Company history

Our history

The history of our company can be traced back to 1859, when the “Tiszavidéki Vaspálya Társaság Miskolci Főműhelye” (Miskolc Main Workshop of the Tiszavidéki Railway Company) – the third in Hungary – was established on the premises. "Főműhely" (Main Workshop) is one of the oldest industrial plants in Miskolc, still operating on the same site today, which repaired steam locomotives, railway cars and other railway vehicles.

For many decades, the workshop operated as MÁV Járműjavító Üzem (MÁV Vehicle Repair Factory). As a result of the system change, our company was legally transformed from December 30, 1992 into an independent limited liability company with 100% ownership by MÁV, and took the name MÁV-TISZAVAS Miskolci Járműjavító Kft.. After the organizational transformation of MÁV, we operated as a subsidiary of MÁV Cargo Zrt. from July 20, 2007 until June 28, 2010, when our company was purchased by Vienna-based ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH. From September 1, 2010, our name became TS Hungaria Kft. In 2013, as part of a large-scale project, a completely new automatic machine line for the production and repair of railway wheelsets was handed over. In our wheelset workshop, the most modern technology is combined with the highest level of expertise. We bought our site in 2016 from MÁV Zrt. On January 1, 2021, during the change of ownership within the company group, TS Hungaria Kft. became 100% owned by Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. From 3rd of February 2025 Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. remains the majority owner of 51% of our company, while 49% of the shares is owned by Tatravagonka a.s.

Our company now

Our company's tool system is primarily suitable for the repair of two- and multi-axle railway freight cars. From 1997, our activity was supplemented by the design and production of new wagons, such as the sliding sidewall wagon, our own designed container and log transport wagon, as well as our latest product, the open cargo wagon with high sidewalls.

In addition to the production and repair of various railway freight cars, our plant also maintains the main parts of the railway (bogie, wheelset, buffer and draw gears, brake slack adjuster, air shut-off valve etc.).

Our vision

Our goal is to be present as a stable, reliable and competitive employer in the northern Hungarian region in the long term. We believe that quality begins with individual commitment, which contributes to increasing our competitiveness. In order to make our company known as widely as possible, we place particular emphasis on employer branding.

Our goal is to provide our existing and future partners with comprehensive, highest-quality service. Our plant has a storied past and a long tradition in the production and maintenance of freight wagons. By preserving and continuing all this experience and expertise, we are also working within the framework of the currently running projects to ensure that the old workshops and halls can be renewed in an appropriate way, and that work can proceed in a modern, transparent working environment with intensified capacity and performance, in line with increasing market demands.

Site development – focus on renewal

TS Hungaria Kft. places great emphasis on continuous development. As part of the energy use modernization and site modernization program started in 2019, lighting upgrades, insulation, and heating upgrades were implemented, and in the middle of 2022, we put into operation our wheelset profile lathe machine with the most modern technology, which, in addition to the increase in the company's wheelset repair capacity, is also suitable for repairing wheels with brake discs. In addition to the arrival of the high-tech profile lathe, an ultrasonic wheelset washing device also modernizes the work of the company's Wheelset Factory.

In addition to the large-scale development of the Wheelset Factory, a group lift with a load capacity of 4x30t per column, which can also be used outdoors, was purchased for the Revision Hall. As a result, we managed to expand our light maintenance capacity and lifting freight wagons with three and four bogies became also more secure. 

However, the developments do not stop: we will soon be using our new wheelset painting hall, in which the new, hermetically closed wheelset painting cabin provides modern conditions by heating it to 80 degrees, with its blowing and exhaust system, which ensures the temperatures and duration required for the work phases in a regulated manner, with which the time of the work processes shortens considerably. In addition, by the end of 2024, we will renew a significant part of the Wheelset Factory’s machine park: we will conclude the complete renovation of the former profile lathe, internal tension measuring device, carousel lathe, axle lathe, and the investment of the lathe between discs. 

Building renovations will also continue, where increasing energy efficiency will be an important aspect.